Sustainability & CSR

» Sustainability & CSR

Sustainability & CSR

Sustainability means meeting our needs and the needs of our customers without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In addition to natural resources, we also need social and economic resources.

Our organisation recognises the high importance of Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility, and we align and exceed our commitments with our customer’s and stakeholder’s expectations.

Comgroup is an active member of the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (GRSB) and a Consultative Committee member for the Australian Beef Sustainability Framework (ABSF).

The GRSB has drafted the following the following expectations from its members which Comgroup are committed to:

  • Commitment to no deforestation of forest or natural ecosystems of high conservation value (HCV)
  • Commitment to no development in high carbon stock (HCS) areas and no new development on peatlands
  • Annual progress on traceability to farms to demonstrate efforts to assure deforestation-free production
  • Participate in multi-stakeholder landscape initiatives, as exist, so as to contribute to halting the overall dynamic of deforestation and conversion
  • Support farmers who are out of compliance with national legislation or zero deforestation criteria on restoration efforts, as identified by traceability efforts
  • Transparent reporting on progress
  • 01 November, 2023

    Anti Bribery Corruption Policy
  • 01 November, 2023

    Anti Slavery Policy
  • 01 November, 2023

    Bullying Harassment Discrimination Victimisation Policy
  • 01 November, 2023

    Chain of Responsibility Policy
  • 30 May, 2024

    Code of Conduct Policy
  • 30 May, 2024

    Complaints Policy
  • 01 November, 2023

    Conflict Resolution Policy
  • 30 May, 2024

    Drug and Alcohol Policy
  • 01 November, 2023

    Environmental Policy
  • 01 November, 2023

    Fatigue Management Policy
  • 01 November, 2023

    Forklift Traffic Management Policy
  • 01 November, 2023

    Internet, Email and Social Media Policy
  • 01 November, 2023

    Lockout and Tag Out Policy
  • 01 November, 2023

    Noise Policy
  • 01 November, 2023

    Recruitment and Selection Policy
  • 01 November, 2023

    Rehabilitation and Return to Work Policy
  • 01 November, 2023

    Training Policy
  • 01 November, 2023

    Vaccination Policy
  • 01 November, 2023

    Work Health And Safety Policy
  • 01 November, 2023

    Work Health and Wellbeing Policy
  • 27 June, 2022

    Whistleblower Policy

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